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Native American Relics
I'm creating these
pages as a way to catalogue my collection and learn about point typology.
It's also the place where I'll be recording the notes I take while doing
research on ancient America. These points are not for sale though I am
occasionally interested in purchasing old collections especially if they are
personal finds. Personal recollections by the finder about the finding of the
artifacts are definitely of interest to me. Many times the story is more
interesting than the point itself.
Rob Horne
Historic Points
Pre-Columbian to modern times |
400 B.P. to 1300 B.P. |
Woodland Points
1300 B.P. to 3,000 B.P. |
Late Archaic Points
3,000 B.P. to 5,000 B.P. |
Mid Archaic
5,000 to 6,500 B.P. |
Archaic Points
6,500 to 9,000 B.P. |
Paleo Points
9,000 B.P. to 11,500 B.P. |
Stone Tools - Celts, Net weights, Axes, Banner Stones |
Dalton's |
Pendants & Gorgets |
Lane Collection |
Collection |
Martel Collection |
Point Notes |
Musical Instruments |
Late Archaic
3,000 B.P. to 5,000 B.P.
Beacon Island Point, Tennessee
Late Archaic, 4000 - 3000 B.P.
L 2.13" W .90"
Gray and light brown chert.
Sumner County,
Southeastern States. A small
to large size triangular point with a bulbous stem. Shoulders are usually
well defined and can be barbed. - Overstreet 10 p.343

Beekman Triangular
Late to Terminal Archaic, 4800 - 4500 B.P.
L .78" W .73" Quartz
Found in a garden in Charlestown R.I.
Northern Pennsylvania into New York, New
Jersey and Massachusetts. A small size, short, triangular point with a
broad, straight to concave base. Bases are ground. -
Overstreet 10 p. 113 |

Late Archaic to Development Phase, 3500 - 1200 B.P.
Blackrock Desert NV.
1-5/16" x 7/8"
Finder - Ray Mudge in the 60's
From late Archaic period around 1500-1300 B.C.
into the intermediate period A.D. 600-700.
The Black Rock Desert is a dry lake bed and
the surrounding endorheic basin in northwestern Nevada in the United States.
The flat expanse of dry lake, or playa, is a remnant of the prehistoric Lake
Lahontan, which existed between 18,000 and 7,000 BC during the last ice age.
During the lake's peak around 12,700 years ago, the desert floor was under
approximately 500 ft (150 m) of water. Black Rock is the site of the annual
Burning Man festival. It is the largest event that occurs there. Overstreet 10 p. 1018

Late Archaic to Woodland, 4500 - 2500 B.P.
Ex-Stagecoach Lane Collection
L 3.07" W 1.07"
Southeastern U.S.? - A Motley variant. Medium
to large size expanded stem to widely corner notched point with strong
barbs. The blade edge and base are convex to straight.
Overstreet 10 p. 392 |

Late Archaic, 4000 - 2500 B.P.
L 3.88" W 1.28"
Midwestern states. The Etley
site is in Calhoun Co., IL. A large, narrow blade with an angular point,
recurved blade edges, a short expanded stem and a straight to slightly
convex base. Shoulders usually expand but have a tendency to point inward toward
the base. -
Overstreet 10, p726

Late Archaic, 4500 - 3500 B.P.
Found in Boone County Missouri by Jim Bruce
L 1.94" W
Missouri into Wisconsin. A medium to large size, sturdy, narrow to wide,
side notched point with a straight base and parallel sides. Some examples
show parallel flaking. Black Sand points are now typed as Godar points. -
Overstreet 10 p.734

Mid to late Archaic, 7000 - 5000 B.P.
Boone County Missouri
L 3" W 1-3/16
Associated with the Old Copper & Red Ochre
culture. A medium to large side notched point with concave base and parallel
to convex sides. -
Overstreet 10 p.745

Bennett COA |
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Mid to late Archaic, 7000 - 5000 B.P.
Whiteside County, Illinois
1.19" W .74"

Late Archaic, 3000 - 1500 B.P.
L 1 1/4" W 3/4"
West Arizona into the Great
Basin. A small to medium size side notched point with a straight to concave
base. Shoulders are tapered to horizontal. - Overstreet 10 p. 861
Reportedly found in Arizona

Late Archaic to Woodland,
4500 - 2500 B.P
Origin: Independence County, Arkansas
Material: Penters Chert
Measurment: L 2-3/4" W 1"
Grade: 7.5
Notation: From the middle Archaic to Woodland period. From the Ex collection
of Johnny Parnell
Southeastern states. A
medium to large size, expanded stemmed to widely corner notched point with
strong barbs, The blade edges and the base are convex to straight. Similar
to Epps which has a straight base. - Overstreet 10 p. 448

Baker COA

Late Archaic, 400 - 250 B.P.
L 2.13" W .84"
Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma,
into Arkansas & Missouri. A large size, narrow knife forms with broad to
narrow side notches and a short, convex to a long tapered stem that can be
pointed to rounded. Related to Harahey Knife.
Found in McLennan County. A
personal find by Sal Gonzales Jr.
Overstreet 10 p. 634 |

Late Archaic to Woodland, 4,500 -
2,500 B.P..
L 2.82" W 1.91". Thin at 3/16".
Benton Co in northwest TENNESSEE.
Dark with river staining. Old tip damage.
Southern states. A medium to large size,
broad, well barbed, stemmed point. Some examples appear to be basal notched.
The blade is straight to convex. The stem is straight to expanding or
contracting. On some samples, the barbs almost reach the base and are
rounded to pointed. Has been found with Motley points in caches. -
Overstreet 10 p. 502 |
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